If we’ve learned anything over the years, it’s that a pink mist ghost is best avoided. Unless you love taking trips to the dry cleaner. This is the story of The Pink Lady of the Grove Park Inn. Come for the ghost, stay for Chris Evans’ filthy mouth; you can’t take notes in the chat; […]
We’re not doctors, but we think you should take care when getting your wizard clipped. It’s a delicate sort of thing, and–what? That’s not what the wizard clip is? Oh. Okay, well, what are we even doing here. This is the story of Priest Field and the Wizard Clip. Come for the ghost, stay for […]
You know what they say, if you want something done right, call a Puritan. Real populist do-gooders, those Puritans! Great ideas about prison reform. For sure, for sure, for sure. This is the story of Eastern State Penitentiary. Come for the ghosts, stay for so many ways to style a sleeveless shirt, he’s my French […]
Do you like swans? You’ll love this episode. But it has less to do with swans than you think. Wow, what a ride. This is the story of Swannanoa Palace. Come for the ghosts, stay for you don’t sound very jammin’, wine thievery, exorcist rules, the job market in 1860, Dolphin Dean, Irish valor, C […]
The Coal Miner’s Daughter had a few skeletons in her closet. Literally. But unlike most sane people, Loretta Lynn decided living with ghosts was actually kind of fine? Weird life. This is the story of Loretta Lynn’s Haunted House. Come for the ghosts, stay for Coal Miner’s Minor, burly men named Norm, take that, Bible!, […]
In the first of what is probably destined to be some sort of suite of dam episodes, we’re tackling the Hales Bar Dam. Which is a surprisingly unknown name for what is apparently the most haunted dam in the U.S.! Also, it’s actually very bad at damming. This is the story of the Hales Bar […]
Ah, the gulf coast of Florida, where the fish are boiling and the reefs are painted red, white, and blue. Good luck, Floridians. This is the story of Fort De Soto Park and the Sunshine Sky Bridge. Come for the ghosts, stay for I’m very swampy, canoe warfare, battle stingrays, beach wool, The Price is […]
Move over, Stephen King, it’s OUR turn to tell the story of the most haunted hotel in Estes Park! We think you’ll really take a shine to this episode. Also, this was a live show! ITAG fans got to chat together in real-time while they listened to Clayton and Patrick recording the episode. We do […]
Don’t get too excited. This Edinburgh is in Iowa, so there’s zero chance of broadswords in this episode. Lame. (Heck of a lot of ghosts, though.) This is the story of the ghosts of Edinburgh Manor. Come for the ghosts, stay for first you beef, then you feast, George Miller presents Iowa: Animosa, water park […]
Oh nar! It’s another Australian ghost! This is the story of Fisher’s Ghost. Come for the ghost, stay for masters + 30 + tattoo, lost a lot of good horses that day, the Australian way to end an argument, a good deal on a horse, how much does it cost in spiders?, ghost butt energy, […]