There’s a beautiful house in quasi-upstate Nyack, New York, where the views are stunning, the men are terrified, and the ghosts are legally protected, thanks to one haunted-heart judge who just loved Ivan Reitman. The Ackley house was the first legally haunted house in the United States, and you can literally hit Sleepy Hollow with […]
Pack your bags, we’re going to Taiwan! The Liu mansion is a classic haunted house. And if it’s too scary for you, you can just chill in the ghost-themed diner next door while your big, brave friends get shot by Japanese soldier-ghosts in the mansion. This is the story of the Haunted Liu Mansion. Come […]
Kansas has pretty solid corn, and oh man, such good cows. But did you know it also has…GHOSTS?! *dramatic piano notes* It’s true! One of those ghosts resides in the Sallie House, and honestly, that ghost does not like you if you have a Y chromosome. Which, like, we get. You know? This is the […]
Yeah, you read that right. It’s time to talk about Bunghole Liquors, home to a handful of ghosts and, we assume, a pretty lucrative t-shirt racket. Some podcasts take you to Salem for the witches; we take you to Salem for the shadowy underside. This is the story of Bunghole Liquors. Come for the ghosts, […]
Join us for a jaunt over to merry olde England, to the quaint little town of Pentrefact-. Pontryfact. Pontefricht. Ponte—god, we’re never going to get it right. But there’s a ghost there, and a lot of people call him the most violent ghost that’s ever been documented, which seems like a lie, because it’s not […]
There are many ghosts at the Myrtles Plantation in Louisiana, and we are legally obligated to tell you that this is one of them. Chloe had a bad life and a bad death, but at least the scene of her horrible murder is now a really swell B&B! Plus, she’s a shadow ghost now, so […]
Not all ghosts have a good reason to walk through your walls every night, but this one is definitely an exception. I don’t care who you are, if you find a dead ghost’s hand in your basement, you need to apologize and give that hand right back. Until then, you deserve every ounce of haunting […]
Sure, your house may have broadband and a pretty sweet ice maker, but does it scream? Probably not. But don’t worry, there’s a house out there that does scream so your house doesn’t have to. Behold! The Union Screaming House, a severely haunted house in Union, Missouri, about five miles from where Clayton grew up. […]
Ah, Memphis. Famous for its blues, its martialized ducks, and its escape-hatch-house gold-burying dead-haunts. You know the ones I mean. This week, we explore the strange history and the confounding truth of the ghost of the Hunt-Phelan house in Memphis, Tennessee. Come for the ghost, stay for the finer points of land surveyoring, stupid shit […]
Everyone knows America invented ghosts, but what you may not know is that Canada has one too! This week, we’re exploring our first international ghost, Bishop Charles Seghers of Vancouver Island, who set out to spread the Good Word, then somehow lost his face. It’s a real cautionary tale about evangelism. This is the story […]